I hear that we get to write a statement for the PEB. Any insight on how that should be structured? I don't want to say the wrong thing as I hear sometime these types of statements can work against the member. Any advise or examples from those of you who have been successful would be appreciated.
Written byYour lawyer should assist you in that process- you should be given counsel provided by your service. They will walk you through the process.
USAF 1983-2015, 100/100 PDRL
Life Member: Air Commando Association, Air Force Association, Disabled American Veterans, Military Chaplains Association, Military Officers Association of America
Your lawyer should assist you in that process- you should be given counsel provided by your service. They will walk you through the process.
If my Commander agrees with the NMA I drafted for him, I might just concur with that and end it there.
While the personal statement is optional it is a great way for your “voice” to be heard by the board members. Your medical record tells a story, but your personal statement can convey much more than medical diagnosis. It gives you the opportunity to tell the board who you were and how your specific issues have changed you today. @fidelis82 is correct. Your lawyer should be helping you complete a personal statement!
Mine was telling the PEB that I had been misdiagnosed and I submitted new medical records and doctor letters to the PEB and asked them to reconsider my case and change the diagnosis. They decided against me and i had to go around them and get the VA to accept the new diagnosis during my VARR. which resulted in my case being remanded all the way back to the MEB.
but one thing I made sure they understood was that I was the guy who never went to sick call or the doctor. less than ten pages of medical records my first 15 years. that I was not a malingerer or hypochondriac and this was not all in my head.
31 OCT 2014 fit for duty exam resulting in permanent profile and MEB
14 NOV 2014 first meeting with PEBLO
17 NOV 2014 permanent profile issued PULHES 333111 and DA 7652 submitted
7 Jan 2015 VA CP exams complete
13 JAN 2015 telephonic NARSUM
20 Jan 2015 MEB complete
23 Jan 2015 submitted IMR
6 Feb 2015, packet sent to PEB
10 FEb 2015 received preliminary PEB findings of unfit for anxiety, depression, and somatoform disorder. 26 FEB 2015 Benefits move to preparation for decision
23 Mar 2015 Received ratings and DA 199, 80% VA and 50% DOD for depressive disorder, anxiety disorder, and somatoform disorder. Nonconcurred due to misdiagnosis (somatoform)
20 APR 2015 diagnosed by Neuro opthalmologist with Myasthenia Gravis
2 May 2015 FPEB at JBLM denies my claim of misdiagnosis (somatoform vs MG)
28 May 2015 submit VARR for MH increase and request change of diagnosis
June 2015 email VA exec and request new CP exams due to misdiagnosis
2 July new CP exams for optometry, gen med, psych completed, misdiagnosis corrected by VA.
6 July 2015, 2nd opinion by 2nd neuro ophthalmologist confirms diagnosis of MG
24 July 2015 VA changes diagnosis 60% DOD and 80% VA for depression, anxiety and systemic myasthenia gravis PEB immediately returns case to MTF
5 AUG 2015 new 3947 approved with new change of diagnosis!!
1 SEP 2015 new DA 199 50% for Depression/anxiety and 40 percent for Myasthenia Gravis. Total 60% DOD. Nonconcurred due to MH rating
22 SEP 2015 USAPDA appeal and VARR submitted.
7 OCT 2015 PEB memo to VA requesting rating for pulmonary residuals of Myasthenia Gravis.
15 OCT 2015 VA sends new ratings to PEB, 70% depression/anxiety, 60% pulmonary residuals of Myasthenia gravis, and 40% per leg plus bilateral factor for Myasthenia gravis leg weakness. Still rated at 0% for ocular manifestations of MG, but rated 100% PT by VA.
9 NOV 2015 notifed telephonically that ratings had changed to 80% PDRL DOD and 100 %PT VA
10 NOV 2015 DA199-1 (reconsideration #2) arrives, 100% DOD PDRL.
23 Nov 2015 retirement orders.
18 Dec 2015 begin terminal leave
30 Jan 2016 promoted to Major and retired
4 FEB 2016 apply for SSDI
7 March 2016 VA ratings complete 100% PT
1 June 2016 SSDI approved